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2002 District Convention held April T.B.A., 2002 in Seattle, Washington.

Theme: "Beware of the advisors!"

Aaron P. (pictured above) was an advisor at the 2001 PNW Convention in Portland....

Every year this annual convention is a time for rewards for the hard work and dedication Key Clubbers have done throughout the year. It's also a time to relax, meet new people, and have a great time! Remember: you can have fun, but be sensible and remember to read the District Covention Rules. The advisors will stop at Cosco and pick up some "fun food" for everyone, which will be available in the advisors' room.


Experienced Convention Persons Advice:

"Be open and be yourself"

"The KeyClub Convention shirt (which is manditory to wear) is HUGE..be prepared to tuck it into your jeans or bring a scissors :) "

"cutting my 'huge' shirt seemed like a good idea at first....until the only thing that was left was the logo"

Things to bring (for a guy)

  1. Dew: you dont want to miss a second of this weekend, so bring some Mt. Dew to keep you going.
  2. Cologne: the ratio of women to men is huge....so you have to smell good right?
  3. Nice clothes: there's an awards ceremony...and a nice dinner - so look nice.(shirt, tie, slacks, etc)
  4. Jeans&KC Shirt: guys we have to sport our club shirt on the way down there - its just law.
  5. Entertainment: its a long ride down to Portland, bring something to do....for example; a poster and a big black sharpie.
  6. Your Dancin' Shoes: there's a dance Saturday night.

Things to bring (for a girl)

"i dont know" - susanne


Everyone needs to bring a positive attitude and their Convention Forms!!!